Revenue Projection
(i) Internally Generated Fund (IGF)
The main sources of Internally Generated Fund (IGF) for the Assembly are Rates, License, Lands, Fees and Fines. Although the District is quite a new one, statistical analysis of total revenue from the various sources between 2004 and 2006 shows that there is tremendous growth of about 38% in the general revenue situation.
This is due to the fact that, more revenue sources like Lands and Investment which were not collected in 2004 were introduced in 2005. Again revenue collected in 2004 was just for four months as against twelve months in 2005. The growth rate based on the past trends is not realistic enough to be used for future projections. Projections for the IGF therefore assumed a more realistic growth rate target of 30% annually for all the revenue items.
Transfers from central Government to the Assembly is in the form of Grants mainly for salaries and the District Assembly Common Fund. (DACF) for development investment financing. Within the Two years of its existence, the District Assembly has experienced a growth of 13% in the DACF 117% in the total grants transferred to it from central Government, and -74.7% in the HIPC Fund. Going by the past trend with the assumption that all things remain constant, the projections of the DACF and the general grants are presented in the table below.
The underlying assumption in the projection of Pre-school infrastructure and teacher demand is that, the age group at this level of Education is 4 – 5 years. Out of the total of 5,624 children within this age group in the District, 5,428 representing 96.5% of the age group are actually in school.
Again, assuming that, enrolment per annum increases by 1.5% to reach 100% by 2009 and given the population growth rate of 3.0%, the classroom requirement for pre-school gives the picture as in the table below
Projection for Second Cycle Education.
The projection for this level considered the threshold population required for a secondary educational facility. The current population of the District stands at 93,600. The threshold population for a second cycle institution is 20,000 Based on this, the District requires 4 second cycle institutions. With one existing secondary school, an additional 3 second cycle school is required.
Projection of Health facility and staff Facility Projection.
According to M.o.H, Primary Health Care guidelines, a Health Centre should serve 5,000 – 10,000 people, a Polyclinic about 10,000 – 150,000, and a District Hospital 175,000 – 240,000 people.
From the table above, it can be seen that, the current population of the District can support at least a Polyclinic which is higher in hierarchy than the existing Health Centre. It is recommended that by the end of the plan period when the population will be about 102,279, the current Health Centre could be upgraded to a District Hospital. Again, the rural clinics should be improved in terms of their level of services so as to influence the their level of use by health seekers. Other areas with difficulty in accessing health services like Krabonso and Ayorya should be served with CHPS facilities.
Agric Extension Services
The Agriculture sector accounts for 72.7% of the total workforce estimated to be about 45% of the District population. In projecting the Agric Extension needs of the District, the underlying assumption is that, the proportion of the labour force in Agriculture remains the same throughout the plan period.